Tag Archives: Bill Clinton

Why Nuclear Weapons Prove Obama Is A Faithful Husband!

6 Apr

I’ll give the president this.  He does NOT like to take the easy way out. 

Case in point, today I read that he’s revamping US nuclear weapons strategy to make it less vague.  He’s going to move the US towards a policy of a more narrow use of nuclear weapons. 

According to this NY Times article online at MSNBC:


the president even has the US not using nuclear weapons in the case of certain biological attacks.

Now I’m no blood-loving hawk and I generally think the less we rely on nukes the better.  On the other hand, I’m not some hippy dippie tree hugger who doesn’t believe that we in fact have some enemies that look to hurt us.  9/11 taught us that much.

Mostly, I’m no expert on nuclear weapons as effective deterrents, but I kind of liked a vagueness to our policy.  Sure, it’s not the perfect moral policy. But, I do think it helps to keep our enemies a little unsure of what our exact policy is.  Why spell out when we wouldn’t use nukes?  Isn’t that just asking for trouble?

For all any of us know, this may in fact be the right policy decision.  I for, one, was none to comfortable with the last adminstration’s attitude of shooting first and asking questions later. 

But, if I’m asking questions then I can only begin to imagine what mileage the talk radio right will be getting out of this.

President Obama’s decision on nuclear policy is debatable.  What’s not debatable is that short-term it’s awful politics.  It plays right into the hands of the stereotypes the right-wing media loves to dole out. 

It wasn’t the easy road.  That would have been doing 800 other smaller and non-controversial things.  In the president’s mind though, I’m guessing it was the right road.

And so here’s the point.   Long wait!  I know. 

But, if this president is so willing to take on the tough tasks, not take the easy way out, and stay committed to doing what’s right, than I’ve got one last guess about him. 

This is probably a man who is faithful to his wife. 

Either that or he’s addicted to taking huge risks.   Wait, that would be another of my favorite presidents, Bill Clinton.

Dammit!! I Miss The Old Days When Politicians Just Cheated And Didn’t Say Sorry!

3 Jul

Bill Clinton got spiritual counseling.  Eliot Spitzer dragged his poor shell shocked wife to the podium with him as he let the world know he’d been spending time and money with call girls.  Jim McGreevey decided he was a gay American.

And now South Carolina’s sometimes absent Governor Mark Sanford is taking it all to a new level.  First, he’s caught in a more dramatic way than anyone before him.  But that’s nothing compared to when he got started talking!

Here’s just a bit of what we’ve learned so far.  The affair in question was no run of the mill booty call.  No.  This was a love story.  I’m sure his wife was glad to hear that.  Then, he referred to his mistress as his soul mate.  Again, not thrilling for Sanford’s wife to hear. 

Sanford admitting trying to break off the affair multiple times, but he just couldn’t.  You know, cause this was his soul mate after all.  Soon after coming out with all those beauties, the governor admitted crossing the line (but NOT SEX) with other women.  That was restricted to the soul mate, who was not his wife.

And now, just moments ago, I saw a web headline stating that Sanford is saying he thinks it’s possible that his wife might forgive the affair.  Perhaps she’s coming around to understanding that what this is is indeed a tragic love story in which the gov just could resist pursuing his one true love?  Seems like a long shot to me.  But what do I know about their marriage?

I try really hard not to attack people’s personal lives, but Sanford is making it trulyimpossible to avoid commenting.  His behavior is unbelievable.  At minimum, he’s showing a true disregard for his wife and family by continuing to talk and reveal personal  business in a misguided attempt to save his political future.

On the other hand, his strategy seems so ill advised that it’s got me thinking the goal isn’t to repair his future prospects so much as to get his wife to dump him.  Maybe he’s a romantic after all and just does want to be with his Argentinian lover.

Whatever the case may be, I’m fed up with cheating politicians who feel they must apologize and share details with the public that the public has little right to know. 

Kennedy never apologized.  Sure the press was different back then, but the point’s the same.  Kennedy, for whatever his flaws, was a man who stood by his decisions and actions.

Just once I’d like to hear a politician say “you know what, I did it and it’s none of your business why”  or if he/she had to reveal info than I’d like it go more like this:

“I cheated cause my partner and I are done.  Our marriage is a shell.  There’s no more sex between so went looking elsewhere in a misguided attempt to find affection”


“You know what?  Sex with one person for the rest of my life just wasn’t my bag, man.”


“No freaking comment!”

Now THAT would be refreshing.

First President Bush Shocks Everyone With Latest Stunt!

11 Jun

President Bush The First has been know to surprise people with stunts like skydiving and other feats not usually accomplished by men his age.  But, I have to admit I didn’t see this one coming.

TMZ caught him getting a lap dance.  Ok, it was an actress in a bikini sitting on his lap, but still it’s surprising for Poppa Bush.

George H.W. Bush

Guessing this would have been less surprising had the former president in question been that guy married to Hillary…

Breaking News! Turns Out Economy Is Not Cyclical!! It’s Just Shaq-tastic!

18 Oct

When talking to my many Republican leaning friends and acquaintances over the years, I’ve often heard about all the good Ronald Reagan (may he rest in peace) did for the U.S. economy.  When I inevitably bring up Bill Clinton’s economic record to these same friends, I usually get dismissed very quickly.  It’s typically with something along the lines of “everyone knows the economy is cyclical.”  Then when further pressed, these same Reagan fans will go to statements like “the president has nothing to do with the economy”.

And that’s when they’re in my trap.

I usually bust out something like, “OK, so if the president has nothing to do with the economy than how can you give credit to Reagan for America’s boom in the ’80s?”.  Most of the time, there’s some hemming and hawing, but pretty quickly most Republicans throw Reagan under a bus and chose to defend the position that the economy is cyclical.  Among my Republican pals, this belief is more closely held than even the esteem in which President Reagan is held.

So, for a lot of people, “the economy is cyclical”.  Free markets are the key to everyone’s prosperity goes the thinking.  Suddenly though, a lot of these GOP types are re-thinking.  Re-thinking to the tune of billions and billions of dollars.

President Bush and his cronies as well as the Democrats in government are doing an awful lot to try to right the economic situation.  Are they doing the right things?  Darned if I know.  Like John McCain, the economy isn’t my bag, man.

That said, I think that for those people who believe the economy is simply cyclical this has to be a wake up call.  The reality is that our markets never were and will never be 100% free markets.  Government has a role to play.

It’s like a playoff game in the NBA or NHL or any sport.  You want the refs to let the guys play the game.  You don’t want the championship to be decided on some tippy tap lame as@ foul call.  On the flip side, you don’t want to let the game degenerate where someone like let’s say Shaq can just run over people at will with no risk of a foul being called.  That’s not fair either.

So, it’s a fine line for sports’ refs.  And it’s a finer line for the government.  The government should have a role in the free markets that we Americans hold dear.  The government, like an NBA ref, needs to make sure to let business do what businesses need to do in order to succeed.  But, like not letting Shaq steamroll his way to an NBA championship, the government needs to curb the excesses of the companies that choose to undermine the free markets America provides by cheating their way to success.

The government needs to be involved, which means the president needs to be involved.  It’s even better when he or she actually understands the issues related to the economy.  Ultimately, it does matter who’s president.

Americans have found that out the hard way recently.  Eight years of bad Bush policies along with plenty of blame to go around to the Democrats in Congress, have helped us get into this financial mess our nation is currently in.

Suddenly, President Bush has discovered that he matters when it comes to the economy and it’s not ALL just about cyclical turns in the almighty free markets.  He’s got a job to do and he seems to be trying to do his best at it.

I don’t know whether to be happy or scared…

Among Democrats When It Comes To Being a Player, Kennedy Trumps Edwards & Clinton!

10 Aug

American politicians have taught us so many things over the years.  This week, they reminded us that  when it comes to cheating, for cheaters it’s CLEARLY a lot about opportunity.

Example:  She’s kinda cute (sort of – not my taste).  But, you’d think if you’re a potential VP or potential future President and looking to cheat, you might be able to do a little better.   And when I say a little better I really mean A LOT BETTER.  Ask yourself this, is she she worth giving up that kind of future for? 

john edwards rielle hunter

And then there’s this couple…  Beyond a shadow of a doubt a sitting President of the United States coulda, shoulda and woulda done better than this…  But, again it’s all about the opportunity.  With the eyes of the media upon him 24/7, it’s not like Bill Clinton was free to cruise bars.  Guess an intern playing around in the oval office seemed like the safest bet at the time.  Still, would you risk facing your wife’s wrath over Monica Lewinsky?  Now ask yourself the same question, but this time imagine that your wife is Hillary Clinton…  Bill Clinton liked to live on the edge, no doubt!













Way back in JFK’s day, the press was in on the party so that allowed Jack Kennedy to score many of the hottest ladies of his day and of course the legendary Marilyn Monroe.  Take a look at this picture, this was back when it was still good to be the king.  There’s a reason the man looks so happy.









And to me, if you’re going to cheat, risk causing your family pain and potentially torpedo your political career than you should at least hook up with someone on the level of a Marilyn Monroe.   If you’re kinkier, I’m thinking a lost weekend at Camp David with the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders would be a good way to go…

Is that too much to ask of our leaders?

America, we can be great again!

John Edwards Is More Clinton-Like Than We Knew! (AKA Penis Takes Out Another VP Candidate!)

8 Aug

I’ll admit it.  I’m a John Edwards fan.  I thought his message during the Democratic primary season was the one that offered up the most hope for the largest group of Americans – those of us stuck somewhere in the middle.  Edwards’ message, which to me always echoed Bill Clinton’s campaign themes, was that he actually cared about average Americans who played by the rules and worked for a living.

These days, government is funded by and in the pocket of major corporations and the mega-rich, so they of course get taken care of. (Edwards himself took every opportunity to hammer this home and I admired him for it)  The poor get some, but probably not enough attention and in between the rest of us struggle to tread water economically.  This was Edwards message.  I think I’m not exagerrating when I say this was clearly his passion.

Although he ended up not winning the nomination, I do think his campaign could rightly claim that he’d greatly influenced the messages coming out of the Clinton and Obama campaign juggernauts.

Unfortunately, today we found out that John Edwards has some other similarities with Bill Clinton and it involves a whole ‘nother kind of passion.  Personally, I’ve always taken more of a European view on politicians and their sex life.  My feeling is I’m not voting for them for their marital skills.  I’ll take a cheating spouse who’s an effective leader over a faithful spouse who can’t get things done on behalf of the people he or she represents.  Basically, I feel cheating is between a politician and his wife unless either me or my wife is somehow involved personally (which so far we’ve happily managed to avoid).

That ALL said, cheating on your wife while she battles cancer is pretty tacky.  Bill Clinton was and remains a once in a lifetime American politician.  Clinton, through his charisma, determination and it saddens me to say a certain lack of shame, was able to survive admitting to multiple affairs.  For all their similarities, John Edwards is NO Bill Clinton.  The cancer factor, the fact that he’s a lawyer and most people are skeptical of them to begin with and his non-Clintonesqe lack of charisma add up to John Edwards being done.

John Edwards will not be a VP candidate this year.  John Edwards will never be president.

Based on his message and passion, Edwards cheated not only his wife, but America out of the good he could have done.  Remember, just because the guy turns out to be a creep doesn’t mean his message is automatically wrong.

Everyone deserves a second chance and here’s hoping that John Edwards is smart enought to make the most of his.  He can start by sparing his wife and us the spectacle of further admitions with his shell shocked wife at his side…

Here’s a link to a post I wrote about Edwards during the primaries for those interested:


Calling All Southern Politicians! Barack Obama Needs A Veep! Will Edwards Answer The Call?

9 Jul

Another day and another pronouncement from a potential running mate for Senator Barack Obama!

Yesterday, Virginia’s Jim Webb took himself out of the running.  By doing so, Obama lost a chance to recruit a Southern Democrat and Viet Nam Vet to boot to his ticket.  Although like Obama, Webb is only in his first term in the Senate,  the advantages that his background would have brought to the Democratic ticket likely outweighed his relative lack of experience.

John Edwards

Today, the news was better.  Today, former Senator, former presidential and vice presidential candidate John Edwards announced that he’d accept (if offered) the VP slot or a spot in the potential cabinet of Senator Obama.

To me, Edwards ran a good race as a presidential candidate this past year.  He spoke in terms that reminded me of Bill Clinton at his best.  You remember, the Bill Clinton that said and really seemed to feel your pain. As good as Edwards was he ran into two superstar candidates in Hillary Clinton and his perhaps future boss Barack Obama.

Would Edwards be a good choice?  He’s got the Southern thing going for him although it didn’t seem to help the Kerry campaign much.  He also didn’t seem to relish doing what most VP candidates are called to do, which is get down and dirty and say the strong things that the man or woman at the top of the ticket can’t say.  Experience wise, he did just one term in the Senate.  So no help on that issue…

As much as a like Edwards, if I’m Obama I’m leaning towards not picking him.

Furthermore, consider the following two points.  First, are there lots of Edwards’ voters who aren’t already voting for Obama? The answer to that would be no.

Second, ask yourself about the public reaction to an Edwards’ announcement.  Think about human nature and you’ll come to the conclusion that especially in a campaign year so focused on change that you can’t bust out last election’s VP model and expect people to get excited.  This point is even more true when you realize that Edwards though he ran a respectable campaign, didn’t even come in second.  That spot belongs to Hillary Clinton and I can think of no better way of alienating the Hillary Clinton supporters than picking Edwards as Obama’s running mate.

Bottom line – good to know John Edwards would be up for it, but he’s not getting a call about the VP gig.

More Lame Reasons Hillary Should Stay in the Race!

24 May

Personally, I think Hillary Clinton should stay in the race.  After all these months, it seems like this thing is going to wrap itself up in a way that won’t end up blowing up in the Democrats faces after all. So why should she get out until Barack Obama actually has the number of delegates he needs to make it official?  As MC Hammer said about himself all those years ago she’s “too legit to quit”.

That point made, Clinton really does need a better set of reasons to stay in than siting RFK’s tragic assassination in ’68.

As a public service, here’s some other lame reasons the Senator from New York can spout to buy her time:

Barack Obama is looking for a new church.  You never know, he could end up attending John Hagee’s services!

Her staying in the race is helping to keep the Obama campaign on it’s toes.  Essentially, she’s Obama’s spring training for taking on McCain in the general election.

Does anyone want Bill Clinton to have more free time on his hands?

Two words…. Alien abduction!

If Obama reaches across the aisle to tap Chuck Hagel as his surprise (Republican) VP, she needs to be in a position of strength to be in the discussion if McCain decides to pull a similar shocker!

She has yet to visit every nook and cranny of the United States.  There’s lots of gun clubs yet to visit!

Miracles are real!  They happen everyday.  She can still win this all!  Think Giants over Pats or Mets in ’69…


Even If You’re A Conservative… Life Lessons Your Children Need To Learn From The Clintons!

4 May

The latest polls show that Hillary Clinton is far from done.  Barack Obama has repeatedly had his chance to put her campaign away.  He’s failed to do so.  The Clinton campaign is alive and well.  Give credit to Jeremiah Wright, Obama’s recent tendency to shoot himself in the foot and the famous Clinton never say die drive.

Years ago, the first President Bush (remember him fondly now? Me too!) was riding high as he headed for reelection.  Bush I’s approval ratings were the exact opposite of Bush II’s.  Daddy Bush was getting something like a 90 plus percent approval rating following the Gulf War victory.

Mario Cuomo was the nationally known eloquent spokesman of the Democratic Party as well as the well regarded governor of a big important state.  Cuomo had presidential aspirations.  Democrats were enthusiastic for a Cuomo candidacy.  Yet, Cuomo hesitated.  He hemmed and hawed and never got into the race.  He’ll never know what might have been.

Bill Clinton was the little known governor of a state that let’s charitably say wasn’t at the top of most lists you’d want your state to be at the top of.  However, Clinton was young, ambitious and charismatic.  He didn’t hesitate.  Clinton jumped in.  Bush 90 percent approval rating be damned.

We all know what happened.  Clinton won and George Bush went home a one term president.

Regardless of your politic persuasion, what should your children learn from the above?  Glad you asked!

First, let’s take Hillary’s ’08 Campaign.  She has been knocked down and counted out over and over in this campaign.  Yet, she’s still out there fighting day after day.  Momentum even seems to have turned her way.  Ask yourself, when’s the last time the Obama Campaign got some good news?  Guam victory?  I don’t see Senator Obama writing home about that one…  “Dear Michelle,  Hey Honey, I think I got this thing sewed up now that Guam is in my court!!”

The point that’s valuable for kids is that everyone gets knocked out.  None of us wins all the time.  Not even Derek Jeter or Brett Favre, despite reports to the contrary.  Often, it seems like the world is in a hurry to count us out. 

Hillary’s campaign teaches us so many things.  Belief in yourself for one.  Never counting yourself out.  Fighting on against the odds.  Most importantly, getting back up when you’ve been knocked down.  The world is going to floor your kids.  As parents, our biggest job is to teach them to get up.  We need to ingrain in them that carrying on after suffering a set back or disappointment is the mark of a true champion.

Now, onto Bill.  Clearly, Bill Clinton is a risk taker.  Sometimes those risks are reckless and damaging to himself, his family and our country.  Lewinsky, anyone?  Other times, as with his decision to get in the race in ’92, his belief in himself and his risk embracing nature won him the presidency and in my opinion (at least) gave our country a very good though flawed president.

What should your kids learn?  Clinton proves you’ve got to be in it to win it whether it’s the lottery or running for the most powerful job in the world.  Bill Clinton lives life like this is his one shot at it.  Do you?  Not many of us do, but many of us wish we did. 

Do you want your kids to completely fulfill their potential?  Of course you do.  Then, you’ve got to teach the Clinton lesson.  Kids have to go out into the world and take chances.

And for you conservatives, here’s the Bill Clinton lesson for your kids that even you’ll agree with.  Kids need to learn the difference between a good risk and a bad risk.  Even as a Clinton fan, I acknowledge that he had trouble with that one.  Ultimately, it’s what kept him from being a great president rather than a very good one.

PS – Conservatives, I don’t expect you agree with my presidential rating of Bill Clinton, but hope you’ll get the underlying point.  Can’t we all agree to get along for our kids?

Startling New Clemens Crimes Revealed!

30 Apr

Looking back some day, Roger Clemens is NOT going to list 2008 as one of the top ten years of his life.  Retirement has been tough on the Rocket. 

First, he had to deal with the Mitchell Report and fending off steroid allegations.  The most shocking of which was that he let another man spend time alone in a bathroom with his wife while she was being shot up with something he didn’t know anything about. 

As if steroids wasn’t enough, this week the story breaks about him having a long term affair with country singer Mindy McCready.

I’m not going to get into that because I like to be consistent in my positions.  I’ve always maintained the Clinton-Lewinsky tryst should have been a private matter, so I’m not going to beat Roger Clemens up now about cheating on his wife.

That said, Clemen’s fall from grace has been remarkably quick.  I don’t know that anyone in recent sports history has fallen so far so fast.

Roger needs a break and I’m going to give it to him.  The best thing to do in these kinds of situations is to get ahead of the story. 

So, as a public service to The Rocket, here’s a full accounting of the secrets and misdeeds that Clemens has been hiding:

  • He’s principally responsible for the insanely high price of gas.
  • Food prices, yup, like the gas situation.  That’s Roger too. 
  • Iraq.  Ok this one he’s not taking the rap for.  Clearly it’s the fault of the Bush Administration.  On the other hand, if the President ends up pardoning Roger for steroids, he might reconsider taking the fall for Iraq.
  • The alleged liberal media bias.
  • Rush Limbaugh’s addiction to pills.
  • The Jason Kidd trade.
  • The falling housing prices in your neighborhood.  Only your neighborhood. 

I could go on, but in all likelihood Clemens will be adding more himself tomorrow…