Tag Archives: Joe Biden

Joe Biden Bombs With Joke About Justice Roberts! Obama Not Happy! (Video)

24 Jan

He may be second in charge at the White House, but Joe Biden’s already making his play to be the number one jokester in the administration.

Check out his act in the video below:

The VP busts out a joke that fails badly during a swearing in ceremony for some senior staff.  Maybe President Obama was laughing inside??

Yeah, that’s it…

OBAMA WINS! Why We Are Safer Tonight, How I Was Right & Other Observations!

5 Nov

Like the true political junkie I am, I spent the entire night watching the results come in by channel surfing the broadcast & cable news outlets and checking my Blackberry for online updates during commercial breaks. 

Maybe I just drank the Kool-aid, but what a great night for America.  I am proud of both candidates tonight.  I am proud of my fellow Americans tonight.  Turnout levels were high and old myths have been shattered.  I’m glad the guy I voted for won, but I’m more glad that I live in a nation like America where we can peacefully chose our leaders.  And i’m glad the outcome was decisive and pray it will help us move on together as a nation.

Months and months ago, I wrote on this blog that America was ready for a woman or an African American to be president.  I heard many women and African Americans say that was not the case.  My point was that it had to be the right woman or African American.  I went on record saying that Hillary Clinton was not the right woman.  I left the door open to Barack Obama’s becoming the first African American President.  Tonight, I’m so happy to say to America “I TOLD YOU SO…”

Now a few observations from all my TV watching & Blackberry checking:

America IS safer tonight.  Sarah Palin is not a heartbeat away.  Yes, technically, Barack Obama doesn’t have her executive experience in government, although he did spend the last two years running the most complex and successful political campaign in history.  But, whether that counts or not, I think what is obvious to most fair minded individuals is that Sarah Palin is not up to leading this country.  A few weeks of cram session simply didn’t get her sufficiently prepped.  And to be fair to her, a few weeks of prep was never going to be enough.  Barack Obama has intensively prepared for this moment.  He may or may not become an effective president, but I completely believe we are better off with him leading us than having a 72 year old John McCain lead us with Sarah Palin as his emergency replacement.  Imagine THAT 3AM call?  I don’t want to.  And now America doesn’t have to.

More on Sarah Palin.  In his concession speech, Senator McCain hailed his running mate’s future in American politics and as a leader in his party.  Here’s the truth.  She has crested.  This is as far as she will ever rise and now she’s done.  It was nice of McCain to say, but the truth is that Palin dragged him only down.  While she initially energized the base, it quickly became obvious that she was oblivious and turned off Clinton supporters, independents and other non-committed voters in drove.  But that’s not the only reason I say she is done.  Palin has cold hard history against her.  Almost no person in her expensive shoes (a losing VP candidate on a non-incumbent campaign ticket) has ever come back to capture the White House or for that matter the top spot on their party’s ticket.  Want proof?  Take a look at people like John Edwards, Sargeant Shriver, Lloyd Benson, etc.  If you’re asking “who’s that” then you get my point.  Bye bye Sarah…

On CNN, commentator Bill Bennett made the point that he doesn’t think this election means that America has shifted from center-right to center-left.  He’s still clinging to the idea that America is center-right. Give Bennett this much, he’s right it’s not this election.  It’s actually the last two elections that have shown us that America is shifting politically.  In these last two elections, the GOP has lost a ton of seats in both house of Congress and now the presidency.  What more proof does Bennett need??

That all said, let’s talk about the center.  My firm hope is that President-Elect Obama keeps the emphasis on the center.  Yes, he’ll have the power to rule from the center-left.  I hope he will have the wisdom not to.  The best thing Obama can do is keep his campaign pledge of trying to unite this country together.  As Obama has said, I truly believe that we have much more in common than the things that divide us.  It’s too important a time in our history not to focus on working together and getting things done.  Let’s hope Obama backs up his words.  From his stirring speech tonight, I for one am feeling hopeful.

So happy to write this.  GOODBYE Joe the plumber.  Your 15 minutes is officially at 15:01. 

I like John McCain again tonight.  His concession speech was class all the way.  This is the John McCain so many of us admire.  Sadly, he seemed to lose his way a bit during the campaign and attacked his opponent in personal ways not to be admired while often stretching the truth beyond its breaking point.  Yet, McCain may have saved his soul and the soul of the GOP in the bargain.  McCain resisted the temptation to play the race card in a major way.  His decision to not bring Reverend Wright back into the campaign debate will be questioned by pundits for a long time.  But, it seems to me that McCain simply was uncomfortable going there because in addition to being old news, it risked a major backfire.  McCain put country first by not inflaming racial tensions needlessly and setting back the GOP in the process.  Clearly the demographics of our nation have changed and along with it racial attitudes.  If the Republican Party is to continue to compete, it will have to widen its base beyond the wealthy and the Joe The Plumber (semi-angry white guy) types.  McCain saw that clearly.

Speaking of race.  What an important night.  Perhaps now African Americans and other minorities believe the American Dream is truly possible for everyone.  Perhaps it’s chrystal clear now that not all or perhaps even most whites are racists.  What a chance for our country to heal and come together.  I have never been the hugest Jesse Jackson fan, but I have to admit seeing him on TV in the Obama crowd with a tear rolling down his cheek was moving sight.

Finally, one last note and it’s a Bush bash.  Watching Barack Obama speak it was so refreshing to hear the future leader of our nation demonstrate his understanding of what America truly stands for.  Both here and across the world, America’s greatest gift to this planet has been her ideals.  During his eight years, the current president has often failed to demonstrate a deep understanding of America’s ideals and focused more on rigid political agendas.  Finally, we will again have a president who gets the big picture.

Ok, I lied, here’s the final point.  Not sure if it was this campaign or the Wall Street mess, but I’m thrilled that Americans are coming around to the idea that government is not always the problem.  Reagan sold on us that false idea.  Yes, the government can mess things up.  YOu only need to take a look at the current administration to see that.  And no, I don’t want higher taxes.  What I do want is a government that gives a damn about all its people.  What I do want is a government that plays a role where needed rather than starting needless wars.  Here’s hoping that’s what we got tonight.

May God Bless America and all of us.  And please allow Senators Obama & McCain some much needed rest.  They’ve both earned it.

Obama To Biden “Don’t Help, Joe!”

21 Oct

Here’s a clip of Joe Biden talking to fundraisers about the early days of a potential Barack Obama presidency and how the world might set out to test him:

Really and truly, I think Joe Biden is speaking truth and also believes Obama would be ready for the crisis he predicts.  But sometimes things are just better left unsaid especially when you’re trying to get yourself and your running mate voted into The White House.

PS – Is the McCain commercial using this bite out yet??

It’s Poke Fun At The VPs Day!!

17 Oct

With counting skills like these, let’s hope Obama keeps Biden busy with foreign policy stuff should the Democrats win.  No economic assignments for Joe Biden please!

This One Goes Out To John McCain – Classic Biden Gaffe!

11 Oct

 John McCain really impressed me today.  He actually told the truth about Barack Obama.  He told a crowd that he was a decent family man, who we shouldn’t be scared of should he win the White House. 

(See that video clip in the post prior to this one)

Anyway, in an effort to encourage continued such behavior from Senator McCain and cause he’s been having a really tough time lately, I thought it only right to post the below video clip of one of Joe Biden’s classic screw ups.

Cheer up, Senator McCain!  I hope this brings a little chuckle to your face.  American War Heros deserve that much, if not an automatic pass to the White House.

All the best,

Tidewater J.

24 Hours Later & That Debate Still Sucked!!

9 Oct

John McCain and Barack Obama meet on stage, 26 SeptMy intention all along was to stay undecided until the presidential debates.  I liked that McCain would sometimes go against his own party and I liked the promise of Barack Obama being the real deal.  I was hoping it would come down to a really tough decision that I’d need the debates to help me make.

As it turned out, when McCain went all Palin on me, I was left with no other option than to vote for Barack Obama.  At the time, it bummed me out.  I really wanted two palitable alternatives.  One is better than none, of course, but not what I’d been hoping for.

Now, after seeing last night’s debate, I’m glad I didn’t come into it undecided.  Last night’s debate was horrible.  This was supposed to help people decide?  Good luck!

The chief culprit, of course, were the campaigns themselves.  Both teams signed on to the town hall format.  Both teams agreed to limit follow ups.  What we were left with was a debate where neither candidate was truly challenged by either his opponent or the moderator.  What we heard was a lot of talking points.

What we heard from both sides was a bunch of unchallenged lies.

The format allowed both candidates to promise anything and deny everything. “He’s raising taxes.”  followed by “No, I’m not raising taxes, he is”.  Scintillating stuff to be sure but how it helps someone decide on who to put in the White House I have no idea.

Here’s a few other things that struck me during the course of the debate:

The Format, one more beef, sorry! – When do either of these guys really get challenged to back up their plans and promises?  What I’d love to see is someone that Americans agreed was impartial grilling both guys and backed up by an impartial fact checking board.  Too much of a fantasy?  Sure.

But, how about a format where a journalist was chosen by each camp and the pair were put together to co-host a debate in which the moderators publicly swore they would try to be as unbiased as possible while grilling each candidate as fairly and toughly (is that a word?) as possible?  McCain could pick say Sean Hannity (of course, it’s a stretch to call him a journalist).  And the Obama camp could pick a liberal leaning journalist not named Alan Combs.

The Camera Angles– who are the media advisers to both campaigns?  The camera angles were horrible.  I heard that both candidates were told to not move around too much and disregarded that advice.  Whatever the case, neither man looked great as a result.

McCain Did Look Old – John McCain moved around last night and the above mentioned camera angles made it very obvious that due to his injuries in Vietnam he can no longer move his arms above his shoulder line.  All of my sympathy to Senator McCain for the pain he endured on America’s behalf.  None of my sympathy to his advisers who didn’t see that the camera set up would make their guy look like a lumbering old man.

Obama Loves Criticism – I get it.  He’s trying not to look angry.  But, come on.  When someone is slamming you, figure out another expression other than bemusement.

John McCain Has A Lot Of Friends– If only I had a nickel (or a share of AIG) for every time John McCain uttered the words “my friends”.  It wasn’t folksy, it was as if he had some rare turrets in which he spouted this rather than curse words uncontrollably.

John McCain Does Not Consider Barack Obama A Friend– I know it was only a misspeak, but referring to the Democratic Nominee as “that one” was a cringe-worthy moment and one that will hurt him in the polls.  Especially so, when coupled with several of the nasty sounding jokes he threw out that didn’t result in laughs.  John McCain was less likable in this debate.  Doesn’t mean he might not be a better president, but it sure as heck makes it less likely he’ll have the chance to prove it.

The Questions Sucked– I can not believe how vanilla the questions were.  Actually, I apologize.  That would be an insult to a fine and beloved flavor of ice cream.  The questions simply weren’t tough and they seemed awfully repetitive.  I know it’s all about the economy, but how many ways can you ask the same thing?  I thought either the studio audience or certainly someone submitting from the audience would have come up with something better.  Maybe they did and we just didn’t hear it?

Some People Know Who Freddie Mac & Fannie Mae Are – Never assume.  When someone is asking you a question about the current financial situation at a time when both Freddie & Fannie have figured prominently in it, don’t assume they don’t know what it is.  I thought McCain took a real risk in starting his answer by assuming his questioner was ignorant.

Barack Did A Good Job Of Speaking More From His Gut– I think the example he sited of his mom fighting insurance companies while she lay in her hospital death bed during her last weeks was his high point.  Obama made you feel he really gets it on more than simply an intellectual level.

John McCain Loves America & Americans– The Republicans are way too guilty and the Democrats are probably not guilty enough of cheerleading America.  I love America too.  But, I wonder if this year, in this climate, that answering multiple questions by variations on the “America is great”, “Americans are the greatest” theme is enough.  Listen, I think Americans are the best too, but even the best need a plan.

Neither Guy’s Got Enough Money– I wish I could have added up all the new spending both guys proposed in the debate last night.  The reality is that neither has enough money for all their plans.  I love that John McCain is finally thinking about home owners, but can’t shake the impression that at this point he’d promise ANYTHING to get elected.  After all, he picked Sarah Palin…

Tom Brokaw Needs To Toughen Up – I love Tom Brokaw.  There, it’s out.  That said, the agreement was the agreement.  So why did he feel he had to tip toe or apologize when he had to rein in both senators from going overtime?

I’m Getting Old – Tom Brokaw has aged.  John McCain is no longer the spry guy he remains in my memory.  If those guys are looking older than ever, than guess what?  I guess I am too…

Time goes by fast. 

And if nothing else, that’s what makes it so critical that we tackle our problems as quickly and fully as we can.  It would have been nice to have a debate to help us guage who’s up to the challenge and who’s simply a waste of precious time.

What Joe Biden Should Have REALLY Said to Sarah Palin! AKA Joe Biden’s Big Blown Opportunity!

7 Oct

Oddly enough professional and personal considerations made it impossible for me to watch either the first McCain-Obama debate or the VP debate.  Not to blow my own horn (OK, I AM blowing my own horn), but I did pretty much call the VP debate ahead of time.  It was all about expectations and as I predicted it was graded on a curve. 

Palin didn’t say anything that instantly confirmed for everyone her blatant unfitness for the job of being a heartbeat away…   And, Joe Biden managed to keep very focused on attacking John McCain while avoiding attacking Governor Palin as much as possible.  

Biden’s strategy seems to have worked if you believe polls.  Since the VP debate, the Democrats have opened up a bigger lead over their GOP rivals.  Good news for the Democrats to be sure, Sarah Palin didn’t blow up and somehow Obama is still farther ahead.  Yet, from all that I’ve read, there was one big time blown opportunity.

Sarah Palin threw Joe Biden a big fat fastball straight over the plate and Joe Biden kept the bat glued on his shoulder.   It came up when the topic of Iraq and the support of the troops was being discussed.  Sarah Palin chastised Biden for voting against a particular Iraq funding bill and basically said she couldn’t believe he’d voted that way given that he has a son in the National Guard.

I realize that a critical point for Biden was to avoid seeming like a bully, sexist or condescending toward Palin.  But, when someone basically questions the kind of father you’ve been, especially given the Biden family history of overcoming a tragic accident that came close to claiming the entire Biden family, you’ve got to respond.  America, in that moment and with that context, would have understood Joe Biden cutting Sarah Palin in two.

Americans want their politicians to speak to the issues but to speak with passion.  Not Howard Dean “yee-haw” crazy passion, but passionate belief in their positions and how they relate to improving the lives of the rest of us.  Joe Biden MISSED a huge chance to do that and to put Sarah Palin in a terrible spot in the process.


Let’s say yours truly was inside Biden’s head…. Here’s how the exchange goes down:

SARAH PALIN – I don’t know how, you with a son in the National Guard, could have voted for that bill  (or something like that – NOT AN EXACT QUOTE HERE)

JOE BIDEN (with me in his head) – “Now, Governor Palin,  I need to stop you right there.  I know we have different views and I know the America people want to hear us talk about them.  But, there are things that are over the line.  Bringing my son into this to score a cheap political point is less than what the America people expect of us and of YOU.  I will debate you on any point you chose to bring up.  I owe the voters that.  I will NOT however stand here and debate you on my fitness as a father or my love for my children.

I love my son.  As I’m sure you do yours.  I’m proud of him and I’m proud of his service.  I’m also proud of our troops that have sacrificed so much in Iraq and Afghanistan.  I have a record of consistently supporting them.  I find it truly sad that the only way you feel you can debate that record is to tarnish it by suggesting that I’m somehow not a good enough father.  I would hope that you would refrain from personal attacks moving forward so that we can get back to the real issues Americans want us to talk about.  Including how to get all our troops, your son and mine, home from Iraq as soon and as safely as possible”

At the end of the exchange, I imagine Palin sputtering, possibly weakly defending herself as never having meant to insinuate that Biden wasn’t a good dad.  All over America, voters are wondering “how could she?” or “she went too far” or “she is just too nasty”.

We’ll never know, of course, because Biden didn’t seize the moment.  But, I’m suspecting that the polls would’ve have only shown a greater swing to Obama-Biden…

What do you think??

Sarah Palin’s Big Advantage Over Joe Biden! (Re-Post)

30 Sep

Reposting this as so many people are clicking on the original post now that the debate is upon us.  For those of you who have seen this already… Sorry!

When I first heard about the surprise GOP VP pick, I quickly read as much as possible about her and the pick on the web.  One major news site had some analysis up that basically said that Joe Biden would likely wipe the floor with her during the their debate this fall.  Especially, the commentary went on, in the arena of foreign affairs.

For the record, I think that Sarah Palin has a big advantage in the VP Debate.  Does anyone remember the chatter prior to the Bush-Gore debates?  The basic conceit was that frankly George W. Bush wasn’t the same caliber egghead as Al Gore.  So, it was reasoned, it would be perfectly understandable if Gore did better.  So long as George W didn’t come off as completely unprepared to be president, he’d end up with a winning grade in a lot of people’s books.  And, indeed, he did.

Anyone can be super smart.  Not just anyone can get people to believe they should be president or vice president. The Gore-Bush debates proved that political debates are about way more than intellect.   This is especially true when you’re doing it live in front of millions of people.  Suddenly, the ability to connect, the ability to impress as someone viewers and voters feel comfortable with, humor and luck all come into play.  Not to mention the candidates looks.

My suspecion is that a similar line of thinking will play out in the run up to the Veep debate.  Unless Palin is damaged goods at that point due to the various issues hanging over her candidacy, I think people will just need to see her be OK.

Furthermore, there’s the man woman thing.  Given Washington’s old boy culture and Biden’s long time membership in it, he simply can’t be seen as being dismissive or mean-spirited towards Governor Palin.  For Senator Biden, it’s going to be all about the tone. He has to press his points aggressively but not go over those lines.

Oh, and by the way, Joe Biden can’t mess up in the debate.  The whole reason he’s on the ticket is to bring experience.  Should he blow a response, it will be remembered.  He’s got to be perfect.

That’s not the case on the GOP side.  If Sarah Palin messes up, she’ll just be graded on a curve.

Equal Time! Here’s A Look At Joe Biden!

13 Sep

Maybe it’s a pang of guilt, or the burrito I just ate…  Anyway figured I’ve been hammering away at Sarah Palin (and justifiably so) long enough and you get the point.

Not that I claim to be completely impartial, but here’s a few clips of Joe Biden not exactly at his best:

Lesson One – Make sure someone CAN stand up, before asking them to do so in front of a crowd!

Lesson Two – Never state the obvious, especially when it doesn’t reflect well on you!

John McCain Let Me Down & Is Messing Up My Blog!

13 Sep

For regular readers or those ambitious enough to go through the Full Contact archives, you will notice a clear change in the tone of this blog. 

When I started writing this blog 846 years ago, I did so with the belief that both parties are the problem.  I still, by the way, believe that to be true.  I’ve been upfront, however, that I’ve always gone for Democrats in presidential years.  But, I was also equally frank about being open this year to moving out of the Democratic column.  Repeatedly, I’ve stated my intention of staying undecided until after the debates.  And technically, I’m still undecided.

I do NOT mean this blog to be an instrument of the Obama campaign now or ever.

All that said, my open door to John McCain has gotten dangerously close to being shut.  You can look at my blog entries and it’s clear as day.  Once September rolls around, you’ll notice that most of my posts are not so favorable to Senator McCain’s campaign.

Why the change?  One word… PALIN

I’m absolutely not a male chauvinist or sexist, although on a side note, I am quite sexy.  Be that as it may, I believe America is ready to elect a female president.  I believe a female chief executive, if it was the right one, would be a good thing for our country.  We guys have had more than our shot and as the father of a young daughter, I’d like her to see that women in this country can accomplish anything.

So, I’m not against Sarah Palin due to her gender.

It’s no secret John McCain is a self-styled maverick.  His unpredictability and willingness to buck his own party (although  both way over hyped) drew me to him.  And I truly believe he’d be a much better president than the one currently keeping the seat warm.

But, in picking Sarah Palin, the political maverick in all likelihood lost this maverick undecided voter.  It was a reckless thing to do.  She’s not ready.  She gave a good performance at the convention.  But, in her first interview with a major news organization, it was obvious the cramming didn’t bring her grade up to a passing standard.

Sarah Palin has very limited experience in governance.  She actually seems to know much less about foreign affairs that many average joes and janes that I speak to about such things.  IT’S NOT TOO MUCH TO ASK THAT SARAH PALIN HAVE A BETTER GRIP ON MOST ISSUES THAT JOE Q PUBLIC.  JOURNALISTS ASKING THE QUESTIONS AREN’T THE PROBLEM.  Sarah Palin is the problem.

She has distorted her record on the bridge to nowhere.  She claims now to be against pork, but gobbled it up while serving as mayor of her town.

But if even all that weren’t true, even if she were up to the job and had a truly excellent record of service,   her views just aren’t anywhere near my own.  She’s against almost any abortion rights (I’m no abortion fan, but don’t want to see it illegalized so that poor women and girls can once again die in back alleys).  She doesn’t seem to believe that humans play a major role in the climate change we’re going through. And just barely on the job, she’s busy provoking Russia.

I keep going back & forth on the political grade to give the Palin pick.  She has surely sealed the deal with the GOP base.  But, she is driving me away.

Should McCain have picked someone to solidify his base or someone who could have pulled in undecided like me?  After all, who else was the GOP going to vote for this year?  McCain had a real opportunity with me that he just might have blown.  If other undecided are going through the same process as me, that could spell real trouble for Senator McCain.

Guess we won’t know for sure until November.

In the meantime, I plan to stay officially undecided until after the debates, as was my original plan or maybe it’s God’s plan (I’d have to ask the aforementioned Ms. Palin to be sure).  Sorry, that was another Palin dig.

Don’t blame me.  John McCain made me do it.

PS – You have my pledge that no matter who is elected I will write about what I perceive to be their good and bad moves from my original POV that BOTH parties are the problem.